This week I learned how to tell stories through audio which is something that I was kind of scared of, but it ended up being more fun than I expected! First I watched and listened to different sources to learn about audio storytelling. Then, I listened to an episode of the podcast Modern Love and…
To learn more about audio storytelling, I listened to an episode of the NY Times podcast: Modern Love. The story was very well-told, and I recognized a few techniques that they used to enhance the story. The first technique I noticed was the use of music. Before the guest even started telling her story, there…
This week was focused on audio storytelling which is something that seemed very intimidating to me. However, I learned a lot from listening to famous audio storytellers talking about their craft. The thing that I think helped me the most and what I found most interesting was listening to Ira Glass, the host of This…
This week was focused on learning about design. For this unit we had to watch videos about what design is and we listened to a talk by Tim Owens called “We Are All Artists.” I thought that both of these were super interesting, and they both changed the way I think about design. Before watching/listening…
For this assignment, we were supposed to learn about different elements of design (color, typography, metaphors/symbols, minimalism & use of space, form/function/message, balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, and unity) then find examples of four concepts in the real world. The concepts that I found were: minimalism, color, typography, and symbols. Minimalism In design, minimalism is how…
For this unit, I learned about how to become a better photographer and how to digitally tell stories. The challenges I had during this unit were mainly that it was a lot more work than I thought it would be. I think I underestimated it mainly because I don’t usually do creative assignments for my…
This week I worked on becoming a better photographer based on a few tips and tricks found online. The first technique that I tried was to move closer to a subject rather than zooming in on it. Here is an example photo of when I used this technique: I thought that this was a very…
Hi I’m Mariel Couvillion, and I am a junior at the University of Mary Washington! I’m a computer science major, and this semester I am taking CPSC 106, or Digital Storytelling. Over spring break, I am going to visit Iceland with this class which I am super excited about! I’ll be using this website as…