This week was focused on audio storytelling which is something that seemed very intimidating to me. However, I learned a lot from listening to famous audio storytellers talking about their craft.

The thing that I think helped me the most and what I found most interesting was listening to Ira Glass, the host of This American Life, talk about his experiences. Years ago he made a four-part series on YouTube on audio stories, and it was super informative and interesting. I think the thing that surprised me the most was that he said it took him a really long time to get good at what he does. When he was talking about this he also talked about how when you appreciate some form of art and decide to start making it yourself, there’s often a gap for the first few years where you can tell what you’re making isn’t very good. He said that this is when a lot of people quit but that it’s important to push through because eventually you will start making things that you think are good. I thought that this was a really good message because it’s a nice reminder. I’m a huge perfectionist, so I have definitely been frustrated when creating art because I can tell that it’s not up to my standards, so it was nice to hear someone who has succeeded that has also experienced that.

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